Undertaking your placement overseas costs money, but the once-in-a-lifetime experience you'll have is worth every single penny.
If you want to travel for your internship but worried about where you'll find the funds, here’s some good news -
You can now pay for your placement in bite-sized instalments. It gets better - you decide the amount you want to pay and when you want to pay it.
How does it work?
The first thing you absolutely must do is secure your place on your programme of choice. Spaces are limited, so you need to get in quick to guarantee your pick of destination.
You can secure your space for only €350 and we'll confirm your placement within 24 hours of receiving your payment.
You’ll then get access to MyTrip - your personal online internship planner.
Shortly thereafter, we’ll call you to welcome you onto the programme. And then, together, we start customising your placement to what most interests you.
There’s nothing else to pay until 90 days before you depart - for now, you can be confident that your placement is secured.
So how do our flexible payments actually work?
In essence, it is up to you.
You choose how much you want to pay and when you want to pay it, as long as your balance is clear 90 days before you’re due to travel.
You can do this in one of two ways:
One lump sum
You might want to save up and make one payment to clear the entire balance.
Smaller instalments
If you’d rather have the satisfaction of chipping away at it, you can choose the ‘pay as you go’ option. You choose how much you want to pay and when.
Through MyTrip - your online placement planner, you’ll have direct access to an online payment system. From here, you’ll have an itemised log of all your payments to date, so at any point you can make a payment no matter how large or small.
Raising the funds
You can draw inspiration from students who’ve travelled previously — some have hosted fundraisers, received money for birthdays and Christmases, some secure funding through sponsorship or grants, and some even set up crowdfunding pages.
This flexible payment option means you can spread the cost of your placement and is ideal if you like budgeting.

Start your journey
Want to experience a life-changing overseas placement? Choose a destination to get started.
Want to experience a life-changing overseas placement? Choose a destination to get started.