Als gevolg van een duidelijk gebrek aan middelen leer je tijdens je vrijwillige stage in Takoradi nieuwe vaardigheden aan – en je leert je snel aan te passen aan een veranderende omgeving. Je kunt er ook voor kiezen om te werken op een hele reeks afdelingen, waaronder NICU, orthopedie, spoedeisende hulp en OBG. Avonturiers vinden Ghana gegarandeerd een paradijs, met kabelbanen door het dichte bos, uitgestrekte nationale parken en prachtige watervallen in de Volta-regio. Lees hieronder wat de belevenissen van andere studenten waren!

Ingrid Bugter


Lisa Girgenrath

Heinrich Heine Universitat Dusseldorf 2013

Medical, Ghana Takoradi

I can really say that my trip with Work the World was a fantastic, once in a life time experience! I learned a lot of things that I could never have learned in Germany

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Nicola Atkins

King's College London 2012

Medical, Ghana Takoradi

I estimated the cost of arranging everything myself, but Work the World compared VERY favourably, and the stress they saved me was well worth the extra few pounds!

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Aileen Roman

McGill University 2012

Medical, Ghana Takoradi

My placement was in Accident and Emergency for 3 weeks, which was an unbelievable experience. My supervisor was phenomenal - an amazing teacher. I saw many things I will never forget, and which have forever left an impact on the way I will practice medicine in the future, both at home and abroad.

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Rosanna Varden

Newcastle University 2012

Medical, Ghana Takoradi

I was a little bit apprehensive initially about travelling with a company such as Work the World as it would limit my independence, but in fact it served to enhance my experience.

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Andrew Moriarty

Newcastle University 2010

Medical, Ghana Takoradi

In my third week there I was lucky as a surgical team from a charitable organisation, Operation Hernia, were visiting and were down one surgeon. I was asked to assist and got to play a large role in week of surgery.

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